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Patch Test



Transform your brows with tinting, especially if they're quite fair, its a great and long-lasting way to give emphasis to your brows.


Tint 15 min | £10

Hybrid Stain 20 min | £20


Achieve the look of wearing mascara without having to apply makeup daily If your lashes are naturally blond, getting them dyed will create a much more dramatic look for your eyes. With dyed lashes you wake up looking like you already have makeup on. Lash tinting is a great option for women who have busy or active lifestyles. If you spend a lot of time swimming, playing sports or chasing your kids around. Lash tinting will give you a more polished, coiffed look that is also no-maintenance.


20 min | £10


If your lashes and brows are naturally fair, getting them both dyed will create a much more dramatic look for your eyes. The best part is the benefit is around the clock; unlike mascara that you must apply every morning. With dyed lashes and brows you wake up looking like you already have makeup on. Lash and brow tinting is a great option for women who have busy or active lifestyles. If you spend a lot of time swimming, playing sports or chasing your kids around, it's likely that you do not often wear mascara. Lash and brow tinting will give you a more polished, coiffed look that is also no-maintenance


30 min | £17


With a tint and a wax, you can flaunt natural, full-looking brows & lashes for an always polished and put-together look!


30 min | £17


With a tint and a wax, you can flaunt natural, full-looking brows & lashes for an always polished and put-together look!


30 min | £24


Lash bomb is an innovative method of giving the illusion the natural lashes are longer and have more volume using formulations and products made in the UK. The lashes are lifted from the root and set in place before having our 3-step system applied to the root of the lashes only. Creating a natural looking lift and giving the illusion of length and volume. Making the eyes appear more open without having to spend hours in the salon having semi-permanent lashes applied. Lash Bomb is a quicker and impressive alternative to semi-permanent eyelashes and will enhance the clients own natural lashes, with little or no maintenance for weeks. 

Includes lash tinting


1 hr | £40


Brow Lamination will help give you a uniform, full eyebrow shape.  This is the ultimate solution for eyebrows that do not have symmetry where the hairs follow a different pattern, with lamination we can realign the brows in such a way to give them the desired shape you want and a fuller look.​

This treatment solves the messy brow issue, creates volume and fullness, while giving you a sleek well-kept brow shape for up to 2 months.  With a new protein composition based on liquid keratin and silicone you can also encourage brow growth by creating a protective film around the hair.

Includes tinting if desired


30 mins | £25



| £45

With HYBRID Stain | £50

Beautiful Brows & Lashes After Care 


The aftercare advice is given to ensure you fully understand what should and should not be done 24 hours post treatment for longevity of your lash treatment result.  If the aftercare guidelines are followed lash extensions should last 2 to 3 weeks before an infill is required and your Lash Bomb treatment will last 4-6 weeks.

  • Do not apply make-up or receive any other eye treatments for at least 24 hours after your treatment

  • Avoid rubbing the eyes

  • Avoid putting contact lenses back in for the rest of the day

  • Avoid swimming/sauna for 24 hours

  • Keep lashes dry for 24 hours

  • Use a lash conditioner daily

  • Comb the lashes upwards using the mascara wand


If any stinging or swelling occurs, keep applying a cold dampened cotton pad, cold compress or cooling spray to soothe.  If it persists seek medical advice and let the technician know for them to document it on your record card.



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